
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Name of GOD - AUM in World Religions

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism Islam The first verse of the second chapter of Kuran begins with these letters A.L.M. In A.L.M. "A" and "M" are the same as the Sanskrit. The "L" is used for the Sanskrit "U". The Arabic "L" has sound of "U" when preceded by "A". That as the Letter A belongs to the lower part of the throat, the first of the organs of speech; L to the palate, the middle organ; and M to the lips, which is the last organ; so these letters signify that God is the beginning, middle and end or ought to be praised in the beginning, middle and end of all our words and actions. Christianity Bible describes GOD as OMnipotent/OMnipresent