
Sunday, April 17, 2016


A man had four wives. He had been out of station for a while. One day he called up and asked each one of his wives what they wanted. One wife wanted a Banaras silk saree, another wife wanted a gold necklace and the third wife wanted Kasi Halwa. The fourth wife declined to have anything and said that all she wanted was the safe return of her husband. On his return, he distributed all the gifts they had asked for, and left the house with the wife who had asked for him.

The other wives were shocked and questioned his decision, to which he replied, ‘whatever you people asked for, I gave it to you.’

So also, if you ask God for a house, He will give it to you. If you ask for a car, He will give that too. Those who seek God, who want God and only God, they obtain God. This is the truth. When did you ask? The day you ASK FOR GOD, you will get Him

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